How does Al-Anon work?
There is no magic formula that enables you to help someone stop—or cut back—on his or her drinking. Alcoholism is a complex problem, with many related issues. But Al‑Anon can help you learn how to cope with the challenges of someone else’s drinking.
It may be that you could help matters by changing some of your own behaviors that make things worse. It may be possible for you to find a healthier way to respond to these challenges. Again, there are no easy answers. But Al‑Anon meetings offer the opportunity to learn from the experiences of others who have faced similar problems.
While simple problems may have simple solutions, the solution to complex problems is more difficult to explain. Al‑Anon simplifies a complex problem by suggesting a “One Day at a Time” approach, which takes things one step at a time.
At every Al‑Anon meeting, you can hear people explain how Al‑Anon worked for them. That may be the best place to start to learn about Al‑Anon—One Day at a Time.
Al‑Anon members come to understand problem drinking as a family illness that affects everyone in the family. By listening to Al‑Anon members speak at Al‑Anon meetings, you can hear how they came to understand their own role in this family illness. This insight put them in a better position to play a positive role in the family’s future.
Some research shows that when problem drinkers enter a recovery program, their chances for success are improved when they are supported by family members who are in a family recovery program such as Al‑Anon.
What is Alateen?
Alateen is a place where members come together to:
share experiences, strength, and hope with each other to find effective ways to cope with problems.
discuss difficulties and encourage one another
help each other understand the principles of the Al-Anon program through the use of the Twelve Steps and Alateen’s Twelve Traditions
Alateen is not a place:
For teenagers seeking help for drinking or drug problems or a therapy program
to complain about parents or anyone else.
A social hangout.
¿Qué es Al-Anon y Alateen?
Al‑Anon es un programa de ayuda mutua para personas cuya vida ha sido afectada por la bebida de otra persona. Al compartir experiencias en común y al aplicar los principios de Al-Anon, los familiares y amigos de personas alcohólicas pueden producir cambios positivos en sus situaciones individuales, ya sea que la persona alcohólica admita o no la existencia de un problema con la bebida o busque ayuda.
Alateen, parte de los Grupos de Familia Al-Anon, es una hermandad de miembros jóvenes de Al-Anon, por lo común adolescentes, cuya vida ha sido afectada por la bebida de otra persona, ya sea que esa otra persona esté en la vida de ellos y que actualmente beba o no. Al asistir a Alateen, los adolescentes se reúnen con otros adolescentes que tienen situaciones similares. Alateen no es un programa religioso y no existen cuotas ni honorarios para ser miembro.
Nuestras situaciones personales pueden ser diferentes, pero compartimos como iguales en vista de lo que tenemos en común: nuestras vidas se han visto afectadas por la bebida de otra persona. Al‑Anon es un grupo de apoyo mutuo.
El alcoholismo tiene efectos similares en todos nosotros, a pesar de que nuestra relación con la persona alcohólica quizá sea diferente. A muchos recién llegados les interesa más escuchar acerca de las situaciones y de las relaciones que son similares a las de ellos. Sin embargo, con el tiempo llegamos a entender que podemos beneficiarnos al escuchar sobre la forma en que los principios de Al‑Anon funcionaron en muchas circunstancias diferentes.